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Ich laufe wenn ich mit den SES Services anfangen will immer in
diesen Bildschirm

Your service sign-up is almost complete!

Thanks for signing up with Amazon Web Services. Your services
may take up to 24 hours to fully activate. If you’re unable to
access AWS services after that time, here are a few things you
can do to expedite the process:

Make sure you provided all necessary information during
Complete your AWS registration.
Check your email to see if you have received any requests
for additional information. If you have, please respond to
those emails with the information requested.
Verify your credit
card information is correct. Also, check your credit
card activity to see if there’s a $1 authorization (this is
not a charge). You may need to contact your card issuer to
approve the authorization.

If the problem persists, please contact Support:

Contact Support

Hast Du eine email von Amazon bekommen ?

mit freundlichen Gruessen

Maximilian Sichart
Maximilian Sichart

Riedwiesen 29
D-34130 Kassel

mobil: +49 177-8141249

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